Cancer Surgery in India
Cancer Surgeryy

What is Cancer?

Cancer is a disease that develops when a few of the body's cells grow abnormally invading adjacent tissues, and spreading to other body organs through bloodstream or the lymph nodes

Cancer Surgery

Surgery is the first and affective treatment option for cancer, it is often recommended when the cancer is confined to the only one part of the body and has not spread to other organs in the body. However, surgery can still be required even if the cancer is metastatic and spread to other organs. Following a thorough analysis of the potential outcomes and risk factors, the tumour board makes the ultimate decision on surgery.

Who Perform Cancer Surgery?

Cancer Surgery is performed by Surgical Oncologists. Surgical Oncologists are Intensively trained highly skilled surgeons who are expert at removal of cancerous tumours. Not all surgical oncologists perform surgeries for all types of the cancer, though. Only a small number of surgeons are experts in all types of cancer surgeries. Normally, Surgical Oncologists are skilled in one or two of the following cancer procedures.

  • Breast Cancer
  • Brain & Spine Cancers- Top Neurosurgeons who are experts in removal of cancerous brain and spine tumours)
  • Gynaecological Cancer- Cancers of the female reproductive system like the Vagina, Uterus, Cervix, Vulva, etc
  • Gasto Intestinal Cancers- Surgical Oncologists who are experts at surgeries of the GI tract.
  • Head, Neck & Chest Cancer
  • Musculo skeletal Cancers- Surgical Oncologists who are experts at treating bone cancers
  • Urological Cancers- Kidney cancers, Prostate Cancers, Testicular Cancers, Bladder Cancers, etc
  • Please note that you do a thorough research and get surgery done by a highly skilled and trained surgeon, as successful surgical removal of a tumour is crucial for recuperation from the cancer.

When is surgery advised in situations of cancer?

When the tumour is localised, i.e., it has not spread to other organs, surgery is typically advised. Surgery may still be required for some cancer types, even if the tumour has spread. The oncology team makes the choice.

Types of Cancer Surgery

There are primarily two methods for doing cancer surgery. Which are:

  • Open Surgery:In open surgery, the surgeons locate the tumour through imaging tests and make an open incision to remove the tumour as much as possible. Open surgery requires more time for recovery but can remove the tumour more perfectly.
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery: Minimally Invasive surgeries are generally performed by a Laparoscope. A thin tube with a camera fitted at the end is inserted through a small incision, and that allows the surgeons to see the surgery location. Surgical instruments entered through one or more incisions help the surgeon do the surgery. Now days, robotic surgery is also becoming prevalent specially for Neurosurgery and other complex surgeries.
  • Risks & Complications

    There may be some side effects during and after the surgery. Generally, these side effects are not expected to be life threatening. They can include:

    • Bleeding
    • Blood clots
    • Damage to nearby tissues
    • Drug reactions
    • Damage to other organs
    • Pain
    • Infections

Our Top Doctors

Dr. Vedant Kabra
Principal Director - Surgical Oncology
Dr.Kanchan Kaur
Director-Breast Surgery, Cancer Institute

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